New to the Collection are some additional 2,000+ images which we hope our web site visitors will be able to take advantage of, especially if you are involved in Family History Research. Those responsible for the upgrade are Richard Long-Fox Martin McIntyre and Bob Hamblin, who have been collating the images from the Photograph Albums held within the Photographic Archives. Martin was able to identify inidividuals partly due to the captions within the albums and in some cases due to his extensive knowledge of the regimental history and the archives. This was followed by Bob who copied up each and every item.
Without Richard Long-Fox's technical know how much of Martin's hard work would not even reach the web site. From our viewpoint a great parternship working for your benefit.
We hope this new addition will bring some satisfaction. Martin has many other albums to work through and it is the Museum's intention to upgrade the Collection once a year to incorporate his work on your behalf.