Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 1/4th Royal Berkshire
Location Italy, [Train]
Entry Arrived at MANTOVA 1am, left at 3am: hot coffee was issued to any who were awake. Arrived at CEREA 7.30am, left at 8am. Arrived at SALETTO 10.30am where we detrained. Marched for an hour on the SALETTO - MINETTA Road. Halted at SCIA DI RORA 12.30 to 4.30pm waiting for instructions. All arrangements were very much upset, the detraining station having been altered only in the morning to try and clear up the situation. The whole Railway Line was very congested. At 4.30pm we moved to NOVENTA, via VICENTENA arriving 6.50pm. Good billets - "C" Company in the Theatre, "B" in a large private house, HQ in an old Monastry or Barracks - part used by the Italian Veterinary Corps - many of the mules and horses looked as if they had just come back from the Retreat and were in a bad condition. At SALETTO Station a dump of I blanket per man and 2 days Rations was made. Captain Gregory was left at the Station to act as Divisional Detraining Officer. One days Ration was carried on the G S and 1 blanket on the man. Weather:- a lovely day, cold night. [Second train] We left BOVOLONA at 11am and arrived at ISSOLO RIZZO at 12.30pm. The Companies and Details were billeted in large farmhouses with HQ at the CHATEAU. Foot inspections were held during the afternoon. Weather:- a lovely day, cold night.