Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 1/4th Royal Berkshire
Location France, Beauval
Entry The Division moved to the CANDAS-BERNAVILLE District, our Brigade going to the CANDAS-FIENVILLERS area, this Battalion being billeted in CANDAS. We left at 10.25a.m. the roads being very heavy on account of the wet. Billets were rather crowded in consequence of the harvest. For work, only rifle exercises etc. were possible in the afternoon. Weather:- a wet and cold day, and night. The following Officers joined the Battalion. Name Regiment Coy to which posted 2/Lieut R J Pring 2/4th Royal Sussex A 2/Lieut H S Gunson 2/4th Royal Sussex A 2/Lieut E L Bostock 2/4th Royal Sussex B 2/Lieut P D Harrison 2/4th Roysl sussex C 2/Lieut C A Hosking 10th Middlesex D Remarks Major Battcock, Capt Gosling, 2/Lt James, went on Leave.