Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 2nd Royal Berkshire
Location France, REF MAP 51B NW 1/20,000 & OPPY 51B NW2 1/10,000
Entry At midnight 22/23rd September the Battn attacked in co-operation with the Division (49th) on the right and established the line of the previous night's objective. During operations of 21/22 and 22/23 Septr our casualties were 2Lt C.A.N. Boston wounded and missing, 2Lt P.H. Burch wounded. 2Lt F.M. Finch wounded and prisoner, 2Lt S.H. Oswell Prisoner, 2Lt A.A. Bryant wounded (total 2 wounded and 3 missing). Casualties Ors:- 8 killed, 31 wounded, 5 missing. Total 44. Prisoners captured on night 21/22 Septr 1 Officer and 11 other ranks. Prisoners captured on night 22/23 Septr 1 Officer and 36 other ranks. Total 2 Officers and 47 other ranks. The Booty captured included 5 Light M.Gs and 1 Automatic Rifle. For further details see (Report on operations carried out on 21/22 and 22/23 Septr) attached. On night 23/24th inst 2 Rifle Brigade relieved the Battn in the right sub-section of the Brigade front. On completion of relief the Battn was disposed as followed - A and B Coys in the BLACK LINE in the right sub section area and C and D Coys in KILKERRAN Trench.