Regiment | 1st Royal Berkshire |
Location | France, MAROUILLES |
Entry | Troops delayed entering billets owing to a false alarm that the Germans were entering the Town - "C" Company was despatched to take over Bridge over R SARNE from cavalry at end of Town. At 8pm battalion was ordered to march out and assist this company to take the bridge from which the cavalry had been driven. Bridge taken about 1.30am after a night attack by C, D and B Coys. 1/KRR relieved the Battalion and 6th Brigade marched out at 3am. Arrived at VENEROLLES at 7.30pm and bivouaced on hill south of village along WASSIGNY road. Casualties. Major AS Turner, Capt H Shott missing. Lt. VS Hopkins slightly wounded. 61 other ranks killed, wounded or missing. |
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