Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 30th Royal Berkshire
Location Waalwijk, Holland
Entry 2359 Comd Offr and IO left early (0830 hrs) to go to the HQ T Force 1 Cdn Army HAAKSBERGEN. Returned 1400 hrs. 1530 hrs Comd Offr and Adjt attended Conference HQ 308 Bde RA where it was learned that the NETHERLANDS Bde on bn's right was in the process of moving out and the res coy (D Coy) was to move into the left coy sector of the NETHERLANDS Bde front forthwith. Further the Bn is due to be relieved tomorrow by 112 Hy AA Regt RA. D Coy moved into new sector 1800 hrs. Comd 112 Hy AA Regt RA visited Comd Offr 1900 hrs to tie up plans for the relief. Weather: warmer.