Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 10th Royal Berkshire
Entry 0705 Bn left to mop up. 2000 Sitrep to Bde - Appendix J1 [Below] 2330 Bn. Arrived in Bivouac Area. (KILO 117) ______________________________________ Appendix J1 Date: 2000hrs 16/7/43 Place: KILO 117 [Nr LENTINI] Sitrep to Bde 1: From I.O.: 0705: Bn left Bivouac Area. 2: From "C" Coy : 0845: Crossed start line. 3: From I.O.: 0852: Bn H.Q. crossed start line: 2i/c ordered to make way round by [ ] with tpt & next Bn near Bound 2. 4: From I.O.: 0945: 949563 (Large Farm) French speaking farmer reports 8 Italian Army horses in his stables. 5: From "D" Coy.: 0955: Barn 945567 contains German uniforms. 6: From I.O.: 1005: Bn H.Q. cross Bound 1. 7: From I.O.: 1030: 945593. 2 orange parachutes (prob. English) with empty containers, and, nearby, recce boat & paddles in parcel. 8: From I.O.: 1045: Approx 945600, Italian jacket (collar patch red with white triangle and metal star superimposed) 9: From "A" & "C" Coys.: 1050: Fwd coys reach Bound 2 (R.LEONARDO) which is about 50 ft wide and unfordable with steep banks. 10: From I.O.: 1105: Bn H.Q. reach Bound 2. 11: From I.O.: 1130: I.O., sigs officer, & party swim river to try to find boat or raft, and find hurdles & chicken trough that will float. 12: 1205: 3 M.E.'s machine gun river and banks: No casualties. 13: 1220: L.I.R. carrier arrives and hands over 2 P.W. 14: 1350: I.O., who has gone on recce in L.I.R. carrier contacted 2 i/c with 3 jeeps and carriers. 15: 1500: Mobile col. Of 3 carriers, with 1 pl of "C" Coy, and 1 tk, sent out to complete mopping up of area North of R.LEONARDO 16: 1415: Bn. H.Q. established at farm 946608. 17: From Mobile Col.: 1555: B Coy have captured 1 off. & 59 O.R. Ital. P.W.. This was first contact with B Coy since crossing start line. 18: B Coy: 1830: B Coy arrive at Bn H.Q. 19: B Coy: 1000 - 1830: Farm 967582 Booby-Trapped. 20: B Coy: 1205 - 1830: B Coy shot down Italian plane which crashed at 958623. 21: B Coy: 1230 - 1830: In reeds on island in R. LEONARDO, 959612, chest containing documents of Italian major. 22: B Coy: 1300 - 1830: 1 officer & 60 O.R. captured at CORRIDORE DEL PERO 9561. They had moved from area 9665 and had 2 Airbourne Div. Prisoners whom we released. 23: B Coy: 1315 - 1830: CORRIDORE DEL PERO (9561) found to be prob. Enemy H.Q. with telephone exchange (prob. Booby trapped,) & booby-traps in garden. 24: Airbourne Div. P.W. released by us.: 1830: 9665 Beach mined. 25: Airbourne Div. P.W. released by us.: 1830: 6 German parachutists (unarmed) met their captors & said they had been captured & had escaped. 26: Airbourne Div. P.W. released by us.: 1300 - 1830: 2 German parachutists visited their captors & said they had landed 5 days ago, & were going to CATANIA. 27: From Bde: 1830: M.T. will collect Bn & take it to KILO 117 on main road. Def. Posn. will not be taken up. 28: 2330: Bn arrives Bivouac area. _________________________________________ Appendix J3 Date: 16/7/43 RECORD OF PRISONERS OF WAR. 1: 2 Italian :Rank Pte: Div 209 Inf: Time 1230: Sent to Div. Coys.: Time 0030 on 17th: Handed over by L.I.R. 2: 1. It. Officer & 60 O.R.: Div 213 Coastal: Bn Coy 372: Captured at CORRIDORE DEL PERO 9561: Time 1300: Sent to Div Coy: Time 0030 3: 5 Germans: Div Parachutists: Captured at 934632: Time 2300: Sent to Div Coy: Time 0030 4: 2 Italians O.R.: Div 135 Coastal: Captured 975575: Time 1100: Sent to Div Coy: Time 0730: Handed over by paratps.