Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 5th Royal Berkshire
Location Xanten (area), Germany
Entry 0800hrs. Situation Normal. 2400hrs. All companies established at vital bridges. OBSERVATIONS METEOROLOGICAL The weather was unsettled during the first 14 days of the month, after which is become more settled and for the operation period the weather remained ideal. Towards the end of the month it became more unsettled, with rainy periods, and cloud lows, limiting visibility. Temperature was above normal for the time of the year. NOTES ON OPERATION Op "Plunder" in which the Battalion was engaged as a Bank Group, was one of a series of crossing of the Rhine on a broad front. The Bn was responsible for the crossing area of 15(S) Div, with two bridges up and one in reserve. Units attached for the operation were: Royal Corps of Signals, R.E., R.E.M.E. (Beach Recovery Sec), [?] Squadron, Royal Dragoons, and C.M.P. On the west bank crossing points were established before H hour, and marshalling areas and vehicle hides marked out. Two companies operated on this bank, and two companies crossed the river with the assault troops to establish exits and dispersal areas, while wireless communication was to be established at the crossing points and Dispersal Control. These were established as soon as possible after landing . B Company found the area fairly clear, but A Company had some sharp fighting with the enemy before the area was cleared. An account of this is attached. The main object of the Company landings was to control the crossing, and see that the serials were quickly directed to the right areas as they reached the bank. It was essential to maintain a steady flow of traffic over the bridges as soon as they were in position. "A" company found that in their area were still a number of unreduced positions which had been by passed by the assault troops. They had to be cleared quickly, and companies for similar operations in the future might well be equipped with more automatic weapons, and equipment for blasting strong points. Apart from these strong points snipers reduce and hinder movement and it is essential they should be quickly weeded out. The loss of special personnel through a sniper might easily hold up matters. As shell and mortar fire continues for some time all troops must dig in quickly. The enemy made low level machine gunning attacks on the bridges towards night fall, but these can effectively dealt with by well placed and controlled S.A. fire. It is obvious the planes have to fly the length of the bridge and correctly positioned S.A. positions can have devastating affect.