Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 1st Royal Berkshire
Entry 0900hrs. C Coy evacute Government house and occupy billet next to B Coy. 1130hrs. A coy reports serious disturbance in coastal area and chain of villages to KYONKADUN (MR 8990). It appears that the disturbance was started by Dacoits and has developed into village warfare. Move to BASSEIN will not now take place owing to the fact that the bulk of the Bn will be repatriated within the next few months. 2 NCO's and 6 men of B coy left today for BASSEIN. They are acting as an escort to bullion under CAS (B) arrangements. The money is to be loaned to villagers in the DELTA area to help them restart cultivation. 506 FD COY RE have now completed the building of new billets for the batmen, behind the Officers Mess. Sheet 85P/12 1" to 1 mile refers.