Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 5th Wiltshire
Location Vernon, France
Entry Bn moved fwd to VERNON in preparation to cross R SEINE, a distance of 40 miles, and concentrated in FORET DE BIZY 4270. 1845hrs. Concentration of arty started. 1900hrs. "A" Coy started to cross R SEINE in storm-boats. First storm boat wrecked and cas sustained. 2nd storm boat grounded on sandbank but men got ashore. Coy continued to cross in remaining storm boats but these became wrecked or stranded. Eventually approx 60% of "A" Coy completed crossing of river and one Pl secured its objective astride the Rd VERNONET)GIVERNY on the RIGHT flank of Bn objective. 2230hrs. Four DUKWS were then launched and three were grounded. "C" Coy was ferried across in remaining DUKWS which continued to operate and eventually ferried the remainder of the Bn across. "C" Coy was Commanded by Lt. Holly, with all Pls commanded by Sgts. The Coy secured their objective on the ridge about 453742 in spite of a stiff climb in the dark over un-reconnoitred country and against some enemy rifle and MG fire. Their objective was given to widen the Bn bridgehead and dominate the Rd VERNONET-GASNY. Meanwhile "A" Coy was counter attacked three times and reduced to strength of approx 1 Pl. Coy HQ was over-run and OC "A" Coy, Major Milne missing. W Q Roberts Lt Col