Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 1st Royal Berkshire
Location France, Support ANNEQUIN
Entry Considerable artillery activity on part of the enemy. Gun positions in ANNEQUIN being shelled all day with 5.9" and 8". Capt Bishop took over command of B Coy from Capt Steed. The body of one man of RE was recovered from FOSSE 9. Casualties 2 OR slightly wounded in LEFT BOYAU and FACTORY DUG-OUTS. No 1 Coy bathed during the day. Weather warm and fine. Effective strength 38 O 708 OR Ration strength 23 O 535 OR. The Battalion benefited by the change out of the line for 12 days in Divisional Reserve and 6 days in Brigade Reserve. It had not been further back than ANNEQUIN in arriving in this sector in June. Casualties had been comparatively light and the strength of the Battn had gradually increased during the month from sick and wounded rejoining and from a few men arriving for the first time. The Cambrin Right subsector which the battalion has held alternatively with 1st Kings Royal Rifle Corps with a short interval since June is a somewhat complicated one on account of the numerous craters between the opposing lines and the three tunnel systems leading to our front posts. The view is very limited by the high ground along the craters, the old Hohenzollern Redoubt. Warfare has consisted chiefly of trench mortars and rifle grenades, sniping, overhead machine gun fire and artillery fire. There has been little room for patrol encounters or raids. Casualties during September. Officers 2 wounded. OR 3 wounded 2 killed. [signed] G P Hunt Lt Col Comnd 1st Royal Berkshire Regt.