Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire


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On 26 Sept 1892, Ireland, Queenstown. Draft (One Corporal, 45 Men and five Boys) departed for India, arriving at Bombay on 22 October and joining Headquarters at Jhansi on 29 October
On 4 Oct 1892, Malta. Draft joined (Three Corporals, 77 Privates and three Boys).
On 17 Oct 1892, India, Jhansi. 'G' Company (One Officer and 101 Other Ranks) departed for Sipri, arriving there on 21 October
On 22 Oct 1892, India, Sipri. 'H' Company (One Officer and 87 Other Ranks) departed for Jhansi, arriving there on 26 October
On 24 Oct 1892, Malta. Draft joined (20 Privates).
On 26 Nov 1892, Ireland, Queenstown. Draft (One Corporal and 50 Men) departed for India, arriving at Bombay on 22 December and joining Headquarters at Jhansi on 28 December
On 27 Dec 1892, India, Nowgong. Wing ('C', 'D', 'E' and 'F' Companies - five Officers and 210 Other Ranks) departed for Jhansi, arriving there on 1 January
On 27 Dec 1892, India, Sipri. 'G' Company (One Officer and 61 Other Ranks) departed for Jhansi, arriving there on 31 December
On 3 Feb 1893, India, Jhansi. 'A' company (One Officer and 66 Other Ranks) departed for Sipri, arriving there on 8 February
On 3 Feb 1893, India, Jhansi. Wing ('C', 'E', 'F' and 'G' Companies - six officers and 259 other ranks) departed for Nowgong, arriving there on 8 February
On 20 Feb 1893, Ireland, Queenstown. Draft of one Sergeant, one Corporal and 66 Privates embarked in HMTS 'Euphrates' to India for 2nd Battalion
On 20 Feb 1893, Ireland, Queenstown. Draft (One Officer, one Corporal and 67 Men) departed for India, arriving at Bombay on 18 March and joining Headquarters at Jhansi on 26 March
On 4 Mar 1893, Malta. Battalion (22 Officers, two Warrant Officers, 863 Corporals and Men, 19 women and three children) embarked in Hired Transport 'Jeluna' for Bermuda.
On 4 Mar 1893, Malta. Horse Guards letter (19.12.93-sic) 120/Gen Number 3973 reduced Establishment of Privates to 760 on embarkation for Bermuda.
On 19 Mar 1893, Bermuda. Battalion arrived in Hired Transport 'Jeluna' from Malta, and disembarked. Quartered as below. Headquarters and five companies at Prospect Camp, one company at Irland Island and two companies at St Georges.
On 15 May 1893, Ireland, The Curragh. On inspection, Battalion is four Privates under establishment
On 3 June 1893, Ireland, The Curragh. Battalion by Special Train to Kingstown, where it embarked on HMTS 'Assistance' the same day, sailing to Portsmouth on 4 June
On 6 June 1893, England, Portsmouth. Battalion disembarked and transported by special train to Aldershot where it was quartered in Bajados Barracks, Wellington Lines. Placed in 2nd Infantry Brigade
On 29 Aug 1893, England, Aldershot. On Manoeuvres as part of 1st Infantry Brigade. Encamped at Uffington and Liddington, returning to Aldershot on 19 September
On 9 Oct 1893, India, Jhansi and NowGong. Advance party (Three Officers, four Sergeants and 116 Other Ranks) departed for Calcutta, en-route for Mandalay, sailed in SS 'Lindulu' for Rangoon on 14 October, arriving there on 17 October, one man having died at sea. Arrived at Mandalay on 21 October
