Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire


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On 5 Feb 1792, West Indies, Jamaica. 49th arrives in two detachments
On 1 May 1792, West Indies, Jamaica, Port Augusta. 49th stationed here
During 1793, West Indies, Jamaica. During their time here the establishment increased to 570 during the year
During 1793, West Indies, St Domingo. During its stay in St Domingo the 49th took part in many of the various actions. The campaign as a whole could not be considered a success owing to the loss, due to fever and other illnesses. Although many individual actions achieved their objects, the 49th was reduced to a handful of men
On 9 July 1793, West Indies, Kingstown, St.Vincent. Regiment embarked for Gibraltar, landing there on 13 March.
On 9 Sept 1793, West Indies, Jamaica, Port Augusta. In early September the Flank companies of the 49th sailed for St Domingo under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Whitlock, arriving at Jeremie on 9 September. On 11 October five Battalion companies were transported on the 'Iphigenia' and 'Penelope' to Mole St Nicholas. The three remaining companies left on 13 October
During 1794, West Indies, Jamaica. Once again the establishment was increased, to 850 rank and file
During 1795, West Indies, Jamaica. The 62nd was again increased, to 1000 rank and file
On 7 Dec 1795, Gibraltar. Regiment re-embarked for West Indies
During 1796, West Indies, Jamaica. Two companies of 49th sent to reinforce troops in St Domingo retained by Governor in Jamaica to suppress Maroon rebellion
During 1796, West Indies, St. Domingo. Sometime during 1796 the Regiment sailed here, where they were employed against the Maroons. In the operations over this and the following year they were to lose 25 officers and the greater part of the men, the few remaining were drafted and the skeleton of the Regiment ordered to England where they landed at Portsmouth
During 1796, England, Portsmouth. The Battalion having landed proceeded to march to Poole
On 9 Feb 1796, West Indies, St. Domingo. Regiment reached Mole St. Nicholas. The Regiment was in the West Indies for a year. Regimental losses due to disease, including yellow fever were numerous.
On 21 Feb 1796, Haiti, Port au Prince. As part of a large force, landed at Port au Prince an, on 28 February, the Regiment was involved in an attack on a Negro camp at Turgest which commanded the water supply, and was successfully concluded.
On 1 July 1796, England. The remains of the companies from St Domingo were at sea in transit for England
On 1 Sept 1796, England, Watford. The whole 49th Regiment deployed here
During Dec 1796, England, Chelmsford. 49th Regiment deployed here
On 16 Apr 1797, West Indies. Regiment took part in driving the enemy from an ambuscade above Grenler and Fournier
During 1798, England, Exeter. During the year of 1798 recruiting from the supplementary militia took place. They were formed into a Light Infantry Battalion and detached into Cornwall with some militia light companies. Headquarters of the Battalion moved to South Molton, and from there to Helston in Cornwall
On 1 Jan 1798, England, Yarmouth. 49th Regiment deployed here
