Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire


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On 9 Apr 1879, South Africa, Lower Tugela. From 9 April - 18 June1879 Regiment engaged in line of communications duties. Duties including escort for ten convoys between Lower Tugela and Amitikulu River
On 28 Apr 1879, South Africa, Lower Tugela. Two companies ('C' and 'F') relieved two companies of The Buffs on the right bank of the Tugela, remaining till 28 May 1879
On 23 May 1879, South Africa, Lower Tugela. 'E' Company to Fort Chelmsford, where attached to 3/60th Rifles formed part of garrison
On 18 June 1879, South Africa, Lower Tugela. Advance of 1st Division from Lower Tugela. 99th Regiment formed line of communications garrisons at Fort Pearson, Tenedos, Crealock and Chelmsford
On 3 Aug 1879, South Africa, Natal. Garrison to St Johns River (Pondoland) - 'E' Company
On 3 Aug 1879, South Africa, Zululand. 99th Regiment left for Natal Garrisons distributed to : Pietre Maritzberg- Headquarters, 'A', 'C', and 'H' Companies Rorkes Drift - 'B' Company Greytown - 'D' Company Fort Pearson- 'G' Company Durban - 'F' Company
On 27 Sept 1879, South Africa, Pieter Maritzberg. 'A' and 'H' Companies to Harding to counter possible Pondo uprising. Recalled to Pieter Maritzberg later in month
On 21 Oct 1879, South Africa, Pieter Maritzberg. 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' and 'H' Companies concentrated then ordered to Pinetown 'E' Company to Pinetown from St Johns River 'F' Company to Pinetown from Durban 'G' Company to Pinetown from Lower Tugela
On 27 Oct 1879, South Africa, Pinetown. 99th Regiment united at Pinetown, encamped until 30 December 1879
On 22 Nov 1879, South Africa, Pine town. Regimental establishment altered to 688 All Ranks
On 30 Dec 1879, South Africa, Pine Town. Regiment proceeded by rail to Durban and embarked on H M Troopship 'Himalaya' for Bermuda On 3 January arrived at Simons Town en-route On 6 January joined by detachment of nine Officers and Men, one woman and two children sailed for Bermuda 13 January arrived at St Helena and embarked detachment from garrison - Two Officers, five Corporals, 68 Men, three women and five children - departed same day en-route Bermuda On 16 January arrived at Ascension Island and coaled ship, sailing again on 19 January On 19 January sailed for Bermuda
During 1880, Afghanistan, Maiwand. The 66th was noted for its gallant stand during the battle of Maiwand, but lost a total of 285 killed and 33 wounded
During 1880, Afghanistan, Kandahar. The 66th was in the 1st Brigade of the 1st Bombay Division
On 23 Jan 1880, India, Bombay. Draft of one Sergeant, 91 Rank and File arrived for Morar
On 27 Jan 1880, India, Bombay. Four Sergeants and 99 Rank and File (Time Expired) embarked on HMITS 'Jumna' for England
On 4 Feb 1880, Bermuda. Regiment disembarked at Hamilton Town. Headquarters (18 Officers, 37 Corporals, 540 Men, 33 women and 59 children). Marched to Prospect Camp
On 4 Feb 1880, Bermuda. 'B' Company (Two Officers, seven Corporals and 69 Men) proceeded to Boaz Island
On 11 Feb 1880, Afghanistan, Sibi. A detachment from Hyderabad arrived here
On 13 Feb 1880, Afghanistan, Sibi. The whole of the Regiment had arrived by rail
On 17 Feb 1880, India, Bombay. Three Sergeants and 32 Rank and File (Invalids) embarked on HMITS 'Serapis' for England
