Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire


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On 26 July 1905, England, Bordon. Battalion marched to Steep Farm, near Petersfield for manoeuvres. On 29 July marched on Army Corps manoeuvres, via Bentley Station, Lower Froyle, Long Sutton
On 19 Aug 1905, Ireland, Glen Imaal. Battalion by route march to Dunlavin and by train to Dublin. On 28 August the Battalion marched to Rathmore enroute for Curragh for Brigade and Divisional training. It marched to Hollywood Cross Roads on 29 August, to Upper Kilgowan on 30 August and to Curragh Camp on 31 August.
On 11 Sept 1905, Ireland, Curragh Camp. The Battalion marched to Marlborough Heath, on to Stradbally on 14 September, to Marlborough Heath on 15 September, to Ardscull on 16 September, to Knockallbin on 18 September by night, to Curragh Camp on 20 September, to Bishopscourt Park, near Kill on 21 September and returned to Dublin on 22 September.
On 21 Sept 1905, England, Bordon. Battalion marched on Army Corps manoeuvres, via Bentley Station, Lower Froyle, Long Sutton and Odiham, to Bartley Heath (15 miles) and on 22 September marched, via Swallow Field and Reading, to Purley Hall (19 miles).
On 23 Sept 1905, England, Purley Hall. Battalion marched, via Pangbourne, Streatley and Moulsford, to Newham Murren (11 miles).
On 26 Sept 1905, Ireland, Dublin. Draft (One Officer, three Sergeants, one Corporal, 146 Privates and two women) to Southampton, embarking for Egypt to join 2nd Battalion.
On 26 Sept 1905, England, Newmann Murren. Battalion marched, via Nettlebed and Bix, to Remenham Farm (Henley) - (11 miles).
On 29 Sept 1905, England, Bearwood. Battalion marched via Wargrave, Twyford and Hurst, to Bearwood (11 miles).
On 13 Oct 1905, India, Gharial. Detachment of one Officer, 108 Non Commissioned Officers and men left for Dagshai
On 17 Oct 1905, England, Bordon. Battalion entrained at Bentley station in two trains, and proceeded to Pembroke Dock, there to be stationed.
On 25 Oct 1905, England, Bordon. Over the next months drafts left to join 1st Battalion in India: 25 October - One Corporal and 40 Men 25 December - One Corporal and 29 Men 3 February 1906 - One Officer, one Sergeant and 68 Men 27 February - One Officer, one Corporal and 34 Men 3 October - 100 Men
On 1 Nov 1905, Wales, Pembroke Dock. Over the next months drafts arrived from the Depot at Devizes: 1 November - Six Corporals and 40 Men 15 December - 40 Men 7 February 1906 - 40 Recruits 25 April - One Corporal and 30 Men 20 July - 40 Recruits 17 October - One Corporal and 30 Men 22 November - 50 Men
On 2 Nov 1905, India, Gharial. Over 2/3 November the Battalion left for Rawalpindi, arriving there over 4/5 November, and occupied Standing Camp on Race Course until 15 December 1905
On 19 Nov 1905, India, Rawal Pindi. Draft of one Officer, 38 Privates and two Boys arrived and taken on Battlion Strength
On 27 Nov 1905, India, Rawal Pindi. Mobilisation Equipment, including Machine guns and Mules taken over from 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment
During Dec 1905, India, Rawal Pindi. Battalion in Royal Manoeuvres. Involved at Burhan, Kala-Ka-Setai, Margala Heights and Grand Trunk Road
On 7 Dec 1905, India, Rawal Pindi. Battalion arrived at Review Camp, Khanna Plain about 4.30p.m
On 8 Dec 1905, India, Rawal Pindi. Battalion took part in Royal Review
On 15 Dec 1905, India, Rawal Pindi. Battalion left in two trains for Ambala and arrived on 16 December and moved into Standing Camp (near RHA Parade Ground) in relief of 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment
On 22 Dec 1905, India, Ambala. Draft of 30 Non Commissioned Officers and men from 2nd Battalion arrived and taken on strength
