Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

Ferozeshah Circle - Annual


Funding circle designed for corporate patrons and those who would like to help us a little more.

In return for your support all patrons will benefit from:

  • Unlimited free entrance to the museum with two guests. An invitation to the patron’s annual garden party.

  • A copy of the annual newsletter.

  • A patron’s pin and acknowledgement of your patronage on the museum website.

  • Invitations to exclusive events like talks and exhibit launches (some will be free to patrons some discounted)

  • An additional 15% discount on room or garden hire.

  • One pre booked tour of the museum hosted by one of our museum team for you and two guests bringing the exhibits and museums history to life.

  • A table at the annual garden party.

  • Discount for event room hire.

  • A guided tour of the museum for your guests when hiring a room for an event.

  • If corporate support, then recognition of your organisation on the museum website.