Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire

War Diary

Regiment 1st Royal Berkshire
Location Belgium, HARGNIES
Entry Left at 2am, the Battalion being advanced Guard, and marched across Belgian frontier to Bognies. Here orders were received from the Brigade to occupy the positions as follows: 2/South Staffords HARMIGNIES, 1/R Berks VELLEREULE LE SEC, 1/KRR ESTENNES. Brigade Headquarters and 1(Kings) Liverpool Regt GIVRY. Position was entrenched by 3pm. Heavy artillery fire heard in the direction of MONS about 4pm. German cavalry were reported in the direction of BRAY, we were heavily shelled by artillery for about 4 hours: casualties 2/Lt JB Denniss & 3 men wounded. Night undisturbed. 70th Battery RFA suffered heavy loss.