Home of the Infantry Regiments of Berkshire and Wiltshire


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On 1 June 1744, West Indies, Jamaica. Due to the persistence of Edward Trelawny Governor of Jamaica, orders were given for eight individual Companies, often referred to as the Jamaican Volunteers, to join together and become a Regiment. Trelawny became their 1st Colonel
During 1745, West Indies, Off Honduras, Island of Rattan. Trelawny reluctantly sent two companies to the Island
During 1747, West Indies, Off Honduras, Island of Rattan. A threat by the Spanish to attack Rattan did not materialise
During 1748, West Indies, Jamaica. Trelawny informs the Duke of Newcastle he has complied with a request from Admiral Knowles to join him in an attack on St Jago de Cuba. Strong winds prevented the troops from landing so instead
During 1748, West Indies, Jamaica. Trelawny's Regiment finally acquired a number inheriting 49 previously borne by a Marine Regiment
On 8 Mar 1748, West Indies, San Domingo, Port Louis. The troops arrived at Port Louis on San Domingo. The action was successful and the fleet with troops set sail back to Jamaica
On 28 Mar 1748, West Indies, Cuba, St Jago de Cuba. The fleet with troops again arrived of St Jago de Cuba. Lack of wind forced them to abandon an attack. The force withdrew to Port Royal, Jamaica
During Apr 1749, West Indies, Jamaica, Port Royal. Trelawny acknowledges orders to withdraw companies from the Island of Rattan
During 1750, West Indies, Honduras, Belize River. During this year Lieutenant Lawrie was directed by Captain Hodgson to go with a detachment to Belize River
On 8 Dec 1750, West Indies, Guatemala, Mosquito Coast. Trelawny writes to Captain Hodgson who has been at Black River, Mosquito Creek Guatamala with a small detachment since early 1750. Their object being to prevent the Indians making raids on the Spanish whom they hated. He says he will be sending reinforcements of approximately 100 men
During Sept 1752, West Indies, Jamaica. Trelawny relinquishes Governorship of Jamaica
On 16 Jan 1754, England, London. The death of Edward Trelawny
On 22 Jan 1754, West Indies, Jamaica. Colonel George Walsh succeeds Trelawny as Colonel of the 49th
During 1756, West Indies, Jamaica. The Regiment still in Jamaica, and is augmented by about another 450 personnel
During 1756, England. Regiment was created owing to the necessity for increasing the British Army on the outbreak of the Seven Year's War.
On 25 May 1756, England, Morpeth. A 2nd Battalion was ordered to be formed for the 19th Foot or Green Howards which was stationed in Yorkshire. However, the 2nd Battalion was raised in Morpeth, Northumberland.
On 20 Sept 1756, England, Exeter. Regiment raised as 2nd Battalion of 4th Regiment of Foot, whilst Drummer's Regiment (name of the King's Own at the time) was on its way home from Minorca. War Office Order for Duroure's Regiment to have '2nd Battalion added'
On 10 May 1757, England. Both Battalions ordered to Plymouth
During 1758, Canada, Louisberg. 62nd Foot in the campaign at Louisberg under General Amherst
On 21 Apr 1758, England. Orders were issued constituting the 2nd Regiment as a distinct Regiment called the 62nd Foot
